Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Welcome to The Mind Gardener

Welcome to The Mind Gardener. It is my mission to provide a collection of resources for parents and educators who play a great role in nurturing young minds. A gardener is someone who tends his garden by preparing the soil, nurturing the plants from seedling to maturity, and by allowing them to grow on their own according to their natural growth processes. Occasionally a gardener has to provide nourishment to address nutrient deficiencies.  Sometimes he also needs to address pest control in order to prevent plant destruction. And most importantly the joy of every gardener is to be able to celebrate each milestone that the plants in the garden achieve from sprouting to flowering to fruiting and reseeding. Such is the life of parents and educators. I believe that we are mandated to act like a master gardener in our families and our classrooms. Nurturing minds like a gardener I believe is a fitting metaphor. There are many areas that need to be taken care of as we nurture young minds. This blog is dedicated to exploring and discovering each of them in the hope that we become a better and more effective Mind Gardener.